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HJF - Law Office Prague, Hradec Králové, Náchod, Olomouc

Advokátní kancelář Hartmann, Jelínek, Fráňa a partneři, s.r.o. is a traditional law office with more than thirty years of history providing highly professional legal services. Our expert legal team consists of 8 partners supported by other attorneys-at-law and trainee attorneys-at-law. HJF has offices in Prague, Hradec Králové and Náchod.


pravnicka firma roku 2020
Advokátní kancelář Hartmann, Jelínek, Fráňa a partneři, s.r.o. won the Law Firm of the Year 2020 award in the category of: Logistics and transportation engineering.
pravnicka firma roku 2022
Advokátní kancelář Hartmann, Jelínek, Fráňa a partneři, s.r.o. won the Law Firm of the Year 2022 award in the category of: Logistics and transportation engineering.
pravnicka firma roku 2021
Advokátní kancelář Hartmann, Jelínek, Fráňa a partneři, s.r.o. won the Law Firm of the Year 2021 award in the category of: Regional Law Firm of the Year 2021.

Advokátní kancelář Hartmann, Jelínek, Fráňa a partneři, s.r.o. is based on the following principles:

01High expertise
02Professional know-how
03Fast and accurate solutions
04Respect for the law
05Respect for clients